速報APP / 遊戲 / Unknown Dungeon Escape

Unknown Dungeon Escape





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:sy tie xi qu xue ye 3 lu

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖1)-速報App

Unknown Dungeon Escape is a new room escape adventure game.

At the beginning, you were locked up in an unknown dungeon and alone.

In order to escape, you need to find the hidden items and hints to

solve the puzzles and problems along the way. It's very challenging.

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖2)-速報App


1. Click the scene in order to find the hidden hints and gather items

2. View the detail of the item by clicking twice the item.

3. Use the item by clicking the item, then clicking the place you need to apply.

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖3)-速報App

4. Combine objects to new objects by using item on the item's detail picture.

5. Click the hint icon on the top to get hints if you get stuck


1. Never lost progress

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖4)-速報App

2. Play offline

3. You can get a hint when you get stuck

4. No time-pressure

5. Challenging puzzles

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖5)-速報App

6. Free to play

7. One-time fee to get all tips and no ad.


If your game can't run well(crash or slow):

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖6)-速報App

1. Try to change the renderer in the settings panel

2. If you use android 5, update android system WebView to the newest version.(https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.webview&hl=en_US)

Unknown Dungeon Escape(圖7)-速報App